I forgot that there were so many good pics on another camera chip!! Here are some more shots of our little turkey:
Ready to bring her into the world!! I couldn't wait to see her. I got to pull her out myself and put her on my chest right away. how cool is that?

Ready to bring her into the world!! I couldn't wait to see her. I got to pull her out myself and put her on my chest right away. how cool is that?
Daddy cutting the umbilical cord - I love that all 3 of us are in this pic
My angel girl
Kathryn, she is beautiful! God has truly blessed all of you with a precious, healthy little girl! I can't believe she was as big as she was for being a preemie! We'd love to come and visit but we all have colds, so we'll have to wait until things settle down for you all! Enjoy every minute!
Welcome Eden to a wonderful family!... I am so excited for you all and prayers for recovery, transition, health and happiness are being sent your way from Cincy. much love...
She's so beautiful!!! Congratulations you guys! I can't wait for you to be able to bring her home. I'm glad to hear that Eden is doing well. She'll be home before you know it! I wish I could be there to see her.
I'm sure Claire is super excited to be a big sis!
We're praying everything goes well and Eden gets to come home soon!
Love you
Today is the first chance I have had to check my blogs or email so I just got the wonderful news. She is a beautiful little girl and I know she will soon be at home with you all. Congratulations from all of us!
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