Eden, we can hardly believe you are already one month old! (I was going to post this on the 25
th but the power went out that evening for almost an hour and a half!) I have a few friends who have taken pictures of their kids with the same stuffed animal every month to see how much they are growing. I loved the idea so here you are at one month:

Here are the things we want to remember about this time in our lives and what all you are already accomplishing!
- From the first week we brought you home, you've had the wiggles and the strongest neck! You already lift your head way off our shoulder to see who'd holding you and what's going on. You're so curious! You also already like to push you legs as strong as you can against anything in reach
- You LOVE your swaddle and if you're ever fussy, you love movement to calm you down.
- You have the hiccups 4-5 times a day - Daddy says it's your favorite past time =)
- We love your little animal noises - grunting and pushing
- Your eyes are not open much but if Claire ever catches them open, she says "big eyes"!
- This past week you started responding to voices by looking toward the direction they are coming from. You also started following objects with your beautiful blue eyes!
- When you're awake during the day you are so content and quiet - our angel baby!
- You are a stubborn eater! If you don't want it you will purse your lips and stick that tongue at the top of your mouth! You even resist after diaper changes and stripping you down!
- Your dad and I can't believe how beautiful and perfect you look but how hard it is to capture it in a picture. There is nothing like seeing you with our own eyes.
- You've spit up all over daddy twice =)
- You will already sleep 4 - 5 hour stretches at night when you want to =)
- You've been sleeping constantly but we think you "woke up" the past 2 days! Christmas Eve was our first night really having to be up with you and Christmas night was pretty much an all
nighter... we probably won't be sleeping for a number of months now so thank you for being so good the past 3 weeks at home =)
- Claire is such a good big sister - she kisses you all over your head, tells you "it's alright" when you cry, says "baby's" in a very sweet voice and loves to help out. The newness hasn't worn off yet and she always asks where you are if she
doesn't see you right away when she wakes up or comes home from somewhere. She's already looking out for you!