Sadly this is the number we posted the last time I did a number image but that doesn't mean things aren't happening! There has been a ton of great news this week for AGCI families with first court dates, embassy dates, MOWA letters finally being produced after months of waiting, news that people are really advocating for the children in the midst of southern orphanage closures, etc. We actually had moved to 15 but got bumped back up as a family before us lost their referral and was added back onto the boy list. I don't know all the details of how or why but it just breaks my heart to hear that. Again, not sure the situation so hopefully it meant the birth family was able to support and raise him in a loving and safe environment after all. But alas! We continue to wait and wait and wait...
I look at the ticker on our blog right now and it says we've been in process for 1 year, 7 months and 1 week. That's two pregnancies right there. And we've been on the wait list for 1 year, 1 month, 2 weeks and 2 days (not that I'm keeping track or anything!) So yes, when I look at the numbers it seems like forever but I know it could be much longer than we will eventually be waiting. I've been a little down about it this week as we approach the holidays. When we first started this process 19months ago we thought he would for sure be home by Christmas. That obviously won't be happening but as always I try to trust God's plan and timing to be better than our own. It still doesn't make it easy.
As we've been waiting this past month we started doing a few things for his room! The girls, Neil and I painted some canvas', used a little hot glue and Hungry Caterpillars decals to create these that will hang around his window:
We will continue to get things ready for him little by little but we also continue to get our hearts ready for him as well. Just the thought of getting that call with his name and picture seems so unreal and almost like it's something I just talk about but won't ever really happen. I know that seems so pessimistic but it's true right now. People ask questions and I tell them the process but it's like I'm just going through the motions of telling them... it still just seems so far away at this point. I'm so glad we have the girls to keep us busy and distract us because I know it would be infinitely harder if we didn't have children at home. It's also going to be infinitely harder of a wait after we get that name and first photograph of our son...Please pray with me that we will hear by March or April!
Yesterday Claire out of the blue said to Neil "Dad, I wish tomorrow we'd be #1" - we were talking about it and realizing that the girls don't remember a time that we haven't talked about adoption and baby brother. They are just as ready as we are =)
It certainly is as if you took all of my thoughts and wrote them down. We have been on this journey since my daughter was in 4th grade, she now is in 7th and we are in the 50's and 60's so I am thinking could it be she will be in High School before this all happens? It feels does, at times, feel like we will always just be talking about it.
But, alas, I have not replied to darken your moment more, I promise, I wanted to share with you what I read last night in my prayer book, which helped me...beware it is long...
"A single day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else!" Palms 84:10
"Our Father, Thy children who know Thee delight themselves in Thy presence. We are never happier than when we are near Thee. We have found a little heaven in prayer. It has eased our load to tell Thee of its weight; it has relieved our wound to tell Thee of its smart; it has restored our spirit to confess to Thee its wandering. No place like the mercy seat for us."
"We thank Thee, Lord, that we have not only found benefit in prayer, but in the answers to it we have been greatly enriched. Thou hast opened They hid treasures to the voice of prayer; Thou has supplied our necessities as soon as ever we have cried unto Thee; yea, we have found it true: Before they call I will answer, and while they are yet speaking I will hear."
-Charles H Spurgeon-
May you find some peace as you cont. your journey,
I'm with you there: I can't imagine surviving the wait without the other kids to love on.
Praying for you.
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