"He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8
Monday, November 28, 2011
Eden's 3rd Birthday Party
We had Eden's birthday party with a hand full of her closest friends! It was the first time we've invited friends so Eden was especially excited. She wanted a Snow White party and I had so much fun with the theme! We took it out to the neighborhood park and were blessed with beautiful weather. I was so worried it was going to rain but it all worked out! Thank you to everyone who was there to make her celebration special! I can't believe my little girl is 3 years old
Claire is a 7 year old Christian who loves the color blue, reading, changing the world, bread, taking pictures, drawing, gymnastics, family, friends, watching TV & play doh. Eden is a 4 year old who loves God, peanut butter, watching TV, dancing, music, the color pink, her green blankie, gymnastics, friends, family & swimming.
September 22, 2012 - Back home to SA and finally a family of 5!!!
September 19, 2012 - our Embassy appt
September 18, 2012 - Together Day!! Reunited!!!
September 16, 2012 - Left for second trip
September 13, 2012 - Birthmom appt at Embassy
August 14, 2012 - Submitted to Embassy
July 23, 2012 - Pass court! Officially a family of 5!
July 20, 2012 - First time we met H!
July 6, 2012 - Court date call - birthmom date July 13th and our court date July 23rd!
June 28, 2012 - REFERRAL CALL!! The first time we saw our little guy's face! (unofficially #5 at the time)
May 31, 2012 - Officially #6
April 30, 2012 - Officially #6
March 30, 2012 - Officially #8
February 29, 2012 - Officially #9
February 23, 2012 - Unofficially #9!! Single digits!
January 31, 2012 - Officially #12 (unofficially #10)
December 31, 2011 - Officially #13
November 23, 2011 - Officially #16 (unofficially #17)
October 28, 2011 - Officially #16
September 27, 2011 - One year on the waitlist - unofficially #16
September 16, 2011 - Renewal Homestudy Visit
September 14, 2011 - Officially #18
August 18, 2011 - Officially #21
July 14, 2011 - Officially #24 (unofficially #23!)
June 26, 2011 - Diner Delights Dine-in Movie
June 10, 2011 - Officially #30 (others expanded their parameters)
May 28, 2011 - Garage Sale #6
May 25, 2011 - UNofficially #29 - we're in the 20's!!
May 11, 2011 - Officially #32
April 12, 2011 - Officially #34
April 6, 2011 - FDL approval letter!
March 17, 2011 - Officially #40 (unofficially #37)
March 16, 2011 - USCIS fingerprinting
March 11, 2011 - unofficially #39
March 10, 2011 - New MOWA policy begins
February 7, 2011 - Officially #47 - so bummed
January 7, 2011 - Officially #47
December 8, 2010 - Officially #50
December 6, 2010 - ABBA Grant/Loan News!
November 13, 2010 - Garage Sale #5
November 5, 2010 - Officially #51 on boy wait list!
October 23, 2010 - Chosen: Marathon for Adoption - 13.1 miles!
October 9, 2010 - Garage Sale #4
September 27, 2010 - Officially on boy wait list #69 (actually #63 for Oct.)
September 24, 2010 - Dossier reviewed - one revision suggested so we got it revised and sent the next day
September 22, 2010 - Homestudy arrives and dossier is sent to AGCI - Can't believe it!
September 20, 2010 - Homestudy officially complete!!
September 14, 2010 - Eyes Wide Open and certificates sent to AGCI to complete homestudy education requirements; dossier officially completed but waiting for homestudy to return
August 27, 2010 - Homestudy sent to AGCI for review (without LA background)
August 22, 2010 - Voice for the Voiceless - Pop Show and Silent Auction Fundraiser
August 15, 2010 - Got word that we need more paperwork completed for our homestudy - pet vaccination records, BMI report, pedi form dated (STILL waiting on Louisiana)
August 2, 2010 - Started working on Dossier
July 31, 2010 - Our Third Garage Sale!
July 30, 2010 - Resent LA background paperwork
July 29, 2010 - Dossier Conference Call with AGCI
July 21, 2010 - Completed our first payment to AGCI
July 9, 2010 - Second Home Visit
July 6, 2010 - Finally sent in our orientation paperwork with a big portion of our first payment to AGCI. The rest due July 23rd! Also sent in our corrected money order for our FBI record request =(
June 21, 2010 - First Home Visit with Mary & 7th wedding anniversary!
June 12, 2010 - Our second garage sale!
June 5-6, 2010 - Completed our 10 hours of Hague training in Austin
May 20, 2010 - Sent in home agency paperwork
May 14, 2010 - Sent in our fingerprints with request for records
May 8, 2010 - Our first awesome garage sale!!
May 7, 2010 - Got our first set of fingerprints done for our FBI clearance
May 3, 2010 - Orientation call with AGCI
April 28, 2010 - Received our AGCI orientation packet
April 27, 2010 - Received our home agency paperwork from Lutheran Social Services
April 23, 2010 - We're officially accepted!
April 21, 2010 - Sent in our official application after getting our supporting documents approved
April 6, 2010 - Announced to friends and family
April 5, 2010 - AGCI phone appointment and official decision to start now with AGCI!!
April 3, 2010 - Submitted AGCI pre-application
March 17, 2010 - 1st Craig's List item sold!
Feb. 11, 2010 - Got AGCI packet
Jan. 2010 - asked for prayers for when and where
Dec. 2009 - started seriously researching; requested 1st info packet from AGCI
1 comment:
great party, mama! i still see sweet eden as the 18 mo old i met at the swim school.
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