Now that the weather is getting to be beautiful, Eden LOVES nothing more than being outside. I know I've mentioned it before but it's that big of a deal and that important!! Tuesday we took pics in the bluebonnets with my amazing photographer friend Jenny at Synergy Photography (check her out! Can't wait to share those!). Below are two Neil captured on our camera!

- Eden can't wait to be around Claire and she wants to mimic everything she is doing! So cute but not always a safe idea =) The cutest one to note is learning how to blow bubbles in the bath tub.
- She's talking a little more but still not much we can understand. Her latest word is "no" - not the one I'd choose before mama and dada. She's shaking her head no too which is so cute. She's kind of saying nose with her new "no" word. I thought I might have heard "hi" today on our walk but we'll see if she says it again.
- She LOVES touching and labeling people's faces when you ask her: eyes, nose, ears, mouth and hair. She's actually pretty good at it but gets stuck on eyes because she thinks eyelashes are so cool. When she reaches for our glasses or isn't gentle with eyes, we say "no" which then made her say "no" for them. We're re-teaching those. She also knows tummy.
- She understands most everything we say to her which AMAZES us!
- One of her favorite things to do is clean up. She puts her toys where they should go when I sing the "clean up"song. This includes throwing away her wet diapers after I change her (she does that without the song). She gets SO excited and so proud!
- On the diaper note, yesterday she started patting her diaper when it is dirty. Too cute!
Ok - I think that's it! Love keeping up with her like this so I can look back at all the details. My girl is growing up!
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