Thursday we hurried back from Austin to drop Eden off at home with Grandpa (thanks dad for the last minute babysitting!) Claire was so excited for her special date with mom and dad by herself but couldn't stop talking about Eden on the way. She thought Eden was going to be sad she missed the show and that she was going to tell her all about it. What a sweet big sister!
We met our friends down there to enjoy the show. Here is Philip and Doris with Iliana. Congrats on their new baby boy Philip IV who was born less than a week later!
What a good looking family =)
Thought the princess section would've been Claire's favorite but nope! She LOVED Mickey as the Sorcerer's Apprentice when the brooms come to life. It was a really cool part of the show and my favorite when I was a kid too. Guess that's why they call it classic!
Priceless face... even if we had bought the tickets this face would've been worth it all!
Ili LOVED Claire and kept touching on her face. Claire was pretty smitten with her too!
Here is Jenny, Danny and Lily. Danny's brother in law works for a radio station and is the one who gave everyone extra tickets. Thanks Danny for asking us to go!
So we thought we'd splurge on a souvenir - a snow cone in a Mickey cup!
The finale!! So cool! The best part was when the Toy Story characters came out and they had a troll that danced - it was HILARIOUS!
Walking back to the car on daddy's shoulders. One of Claire's favorite spots =) You can see the Tower of America's in the background. Love this picture!
Claire didn't get to bed till 11 p.m. that night but again, worth it. Of course, we have a child who wakes up early even when she goes to bed super late so she was up by 6:30 a.m. YUCK!!
Then is was ready to get things together to drive to Kerrville to visit Neil's grandma. We took her out to lunch for her birthday and then we spent some time down by the river. Beautiful but windy day! Too bad the ducks were hiding from us! Windy Claire
Oh - that's a joy face! She was so happy to be able to get out and about after two days of road trips and sitting in her high chair and car seat. She LOVED pointing to the flowers and chasing the birds.
Went back to Maw Maw's for yummy chocolate cake and some more time out back. She has such a green thumb and I had a great time talking to her about everything she had getting ready to bloom. Claire and Eden enjoyed an egg hunt that Maw Maw put together for them. So sweet of her! Claire kept hiding the eggs over and over so she could hunt as long as she could =) Funny.... even when she hid them she would have a hard time finding at least one. She must be a good egg hider =)
Love all the pics of Maw Maw with Eden showing her the flowers. Eden loves flowers and hopefully will be better at keeping things alive than her mama!
Whew! That was a crazy but fun week! The weekend was full of more time outside, a birthday party, raking leaves, painting sand box covers and other little projects.