Can our little girl really be 2?! Her big day was on Thanksgiving this year and we had a fun filled day of travel to
Schertz and Austin to be with family (post about that one later!) Couldn't wait to give Eden her own special day on Saturday with family and friends and what does Eden LOVE? CATS!! And cake... it was the first thing she would say when we would say the words "Happy Birthday" to her - she has her mommy and grandpa's sweet tooth =)
I had so much fun making this banner for Eden and decorating the light fixtures with hanging kitty cat toys - mice and balls! I gathered all her cat stuffed animals and some yarn to decorate the tables. SO much fun!

Eden also LOVES herself a craft of any kind - I think it's the glue and coloring! HA!! So we made kitty cat puppets out of paper bags, googly eyes, p
opsicle sticks and pom poms. Eden and Isaiah especially loved taking everything out of the bags!

Claire had been looking forward to this all week =) She is also a craft girl!

Ethan coloring his cat

Mimi helped Eden with hers

Then it was outside! We were so blessed to have this
play scape here when we bought the house (got the car swing for Claire's 1st birthday from Gma and Gpa). Eden could swing and slide all day. I think it's the redeeming factor at our house for cousins Kyle and Justin!

Isaiah sliding - what a cutie!

Justin - he asked me to take this picture =)

And the birthday girl! This is one of my favorites

Kyle - can't believe how fast he's growing up too!

Big sister Claire - LOVE this one too =)

Then it was back inside for pin the tail on the cat - compliments to Neil for creating everything we needed for this one =) It really was hilarious to see them play. I blindfolded and spun the older kiddos!

The finished product - isn't it funny?! Kyle won =)

Could she be any cuter?!

Oh what sweet hearts! Isaiah and Eden just love each other and are so sweet with one another. They are good friends from church

It was SO wonderful to have so much family there! Mike usually works on the weekends so it was a special treat to have him there to share the day with!

Shannon, Mike, Jan (Heather's mom in town from Hilton Head) and Heather!

Bob, Grandpa, Grandma, Grandma, Eden and Claire

Heather and me - Congrats to Mike and Heather! They are having a boy in April =)

After eating yummy smoked turkey tortilla soup (thanks mom!) and amazing dip (thanks Erin!) it was CAKE time! I have wanted to make this cake for almost a year - found it in a Parents magazine and couldn't wait to replicate it. Eden LOVED it and I had a blast putting it together for her.

Also made these fun cupcakes - it took forever but SO worth it!

Happy Birthday love! Mommy had to help with the candle per your request =) "No, you"

Tasting her cake!

Me and my girl =)

Found this idea with the cake recipe in the Parents magazine - felt kitty cats with pixie stick whiskers. Each kiddo got one along with silly
puddy and bubbles

Eden and Grandma

We opened gifts at the end and Eden got some much needed winter clothes - she has grown out of most if not all of Claire's fall clothes. Thanks everyone! She is enjoying her new dolls and dressed warmly the past couple of days!

Couldn't resist posting this one =)

Neil and I found this sweet
tricycle on
Craigslist and she LOVES it! She really looks like a big girl on it and has practiced a lot the past week.

She looks SO proud! This is one of my favorites too!

Playing with her new doll - Claire has claimed one for her own but likes to tell us "I know it's Eden's. She's just sharing it with me."

Then it was back outside for bubble fun with Mike and Heather

More swinging =) Look at that face!!

Our big 2 year old - Eden, we love you SO much and can't believe how fast you are growing. Your giggle and smile melts our heart. You have blessed our life beyond measure and we can't wait to see what this year holds for you. God is molding you into such a sweet hearted little one - beautiful inside and out.
love you - Mommy and Daddy
Can you believe I lost my camera with all my pics on it? It has been missing since Friday and I just found it today THANK GOD so now I can post about our trip and our Tday =) Thanks mom, dad, Mike and Heather who let us borrow their cameras for the bday party!
Wow, what a great party! I don't know where you get your energy to do all that! Loved the cake!
HA!!! I stay up until 2 a.m. the night before and then crash after everyone is gone =) I also have an AMAZING husband and other family/friends who helped me out!
great job, k! it all looks fantastic. what a lucky birthday girl! :)
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