We got our official November
Waitlist number last week and we are...

I can't believe how much movement there was our first 5 weeks on the
waitlist!! We started out as 69 but was told a week later we were really 63. That's still 12 spots! Things have slowed down this week as people are now waiting for court and travel dates. I asked if this movement was normal and was told that it's just hit or miss. There are fast months and then SLOW months so we are just counting our blessings. We are THAT much closer to seeing our sweet boys face! Even with all the excitement of referrals, I can't help but remember the families that are losing so much and what the kid's are going through in their experience. I pray for them daily so that they are comforted and find peace knowing that God's hand is in every detail in caring for their sweet ones.
Here's for another great month! Now off to celebrate with our 5
th garage sale on Saturday - I can't believe we are doing another one but we continue to be blessed with donations from friends! God continues to show HIS provision for our journey. We have a payment deadline at the end of the month and praying that this garage sale will put us just where we need to be. We are still waiting to hear about our total from the marathon and are not counting on it being available by the 22
nd (we know it is at least $3700 if you can even believe that one!) HE IS SO GOOD!
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