Wow - Halloween is exhausting but SO MUCH FUN!! We had a bunch of different fun things planned so here's the run down =)
First it was Halloween
Lifegroup at the
Alcala's - great food, great kiddos (17 of them!) and great games! Melissa really outdid herself and went beyond! Thanks Melissa - we had such a great time!
Claire was of course a Fairy Princess =)

The best group shot I got of all the kiddos - we were missing Ethan and baby Michael but I think everyone else made it. This was the easiest group photo we've ever taken. The kids were SO good!

Eden loved the donut game - I mean, who wouldn't? She was supposed to be eating it
without using her hands but that's why it's good to be almost 2 yrs. old

The girls LOVED the popcorn game too because they got to help clean the bowls =)

Next it was Trunk or Treat at the church parking lot. It was a lot of fun! We've always enjoyed our time so we get to hang out with our friends and the kids get to make great memories. Here is
Claire, Abbey and Eden - lots of wings this year!

Eden couldn't get enough of the bounce house - all she said all night was "bounce?"

Eden and Claire with sweet Jude

Eden fell in love with lollipops and held onto this thing for dear life. She'd let go to play a game, get her treat and then it was back in her mouth!
Leyna an Claire

Grandma and Grandpa came this year and it was great to share this time with them! Can't wait till next year =)

Finally it was trick or treating on actual Halloween!! First we headed to Mimi and Poppa's house to visit and go to a few of their neighbor's houses =) Love this one of both of them on the front steps - gotta love the lady like fairy princess pose!

There she is!! Our Fairy Princess - much more lady like!

And our sweet pumpkin pie! This is my FAVORITE pic of her from Halloween!

Walking on the rocks with Mimi - one of the girl's favorite things to do when they visit

Mimi and her girls

Then it was off to my Grandma and Grandpa's house to go up and down the streets near them. Abbey went with us again this year and it was so much fun to go with friends!

Trick or treat!

Taking a break

givin some love!

Grandma wore the cutest bat headband and had a great time going with us!

We came across this HUGE spider at
someone's house and yes! It's real!
Hope everyone had a fun time this year!
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