Thursday, January 29, 2009
Nursery completed
2 month appt & sleep
Eden's growing strong! She's 10 lbs. even and 22 1/8 inches long. They couldn't print out the percentile chart for me but she's about 50% on length and I think about 40% on weight. Everything else checked out fine physically.
Dr. Gulde asked his usual wellness questions and asked if she was smiling which she really isn't smiling socially yet - a little reflex grimace here and there. He also asked if she was "talking" and she isn't doing that really either. Just her grunts and animal noises. He could tell that by saying no to these questions I was concerned but he was really sensitive and great encouraging us not to worry. He said you can't rush developmental things and to just continue interacting with her. I asked about it being b/c she is premature and he said yes because she is more at the stages of a 6 week old rather than a 9 week old. That made me feel better. He also said that kids start showing their personalities this early and she just might not be the socialite that we've already experienced. So we just need more time and patience! Even though I know we aren't supposed to compare, it's so hard!
On another note, I got a chunk of almost 5 hours of sleep last night! I feel like a brand new woman! Neil fed Eden her last meal before bed so I could get some more sleep and she did great. I actually got 7.5 hours total which is more than I've gotten in one night in 8 weeks. I'm praying it wasn't a fluke. I'm a much better mom when I'm well rested. Not there after one night but it's a start. Claire's really hoping it continues so I'm more patient with her too =)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Eden's 2 months old!
Here is our little angel at 2 months with her bear. She nicked her face pretty bad yesterday so that's the red spot on her sweet cheek. I included a 1 month pic too for comparison:
One month
2 months
Here are the things we want to remember about this month:
- Eden found her hands! They have definitely found her mouth and she is starting to grab onto things like hair and jewelry - ouch! Claire has gotten her hair pulled many times but has been a good sport about it =)
- Eden has found her first friend outside of the fam - Mr. Fan! She is mesmerized by it even if it's standing still. I think she's trying to figure it out.
- We've gotten glimpses of smiles while she is awake but hoping they get more consistent soon!
- Eden is getting so big! She is getting her baby rolls on her legs and arms just like her sister. I love my marshmallow babies!
- Eden is sleeping going 4-5 hours between feedings at night after she tanks up with every 2 hours late evening. She's still working on sleeping a long time so I'm getting at the most increments of 3 hours of sleep at a time. Looking forward to her sleeping more like 6 hours and going to sleep right away. She likes to be held a lot from about 8-11p.m.
Some of my favorite pics from this month!
Taken New Year's Day Sleeping Beauty
"Uh...excuse me...I have a question..."
We get this look a lot!! She gets this furrowed brow like she's trying to figure everything out or she's already questioning everything we do!
Rare pic of her sleeping with her arms out of her swaddle - we're trying to figure what she likes best now that she's getting bigger
Comforting Eden -she's such a good big sis
Love this one! Look at the shoes - Pitter Patter - I LOVE baby shoes! They're so darn cute! This is the same outfit as the first pic so you can see she's really grown into it at the end of the month
This was yesterday - I love these pics even if I look exhausted and pleasantly plump (not really pleasantly!)
Friday, January 23, 2009
How do sows do it?
I really haven't been out and about with the girls by myself because the timing is so weird and hard to get down. By the time I get everyone ready to go after feeding Eden, I only have an hour and a half or so before she eats again. (And that's if she waits her 3 hours - sometimes it's 2.5 hours). Or when Claire gets up from a nap, I have to feed Eden shortly after... I'm learning all over again. This morning I went to run errands that I have to get done for tomorrow and realized why I don't go out much!! While leaving Hobby Lobby, Eden started crying pretty hard but fortunately stopped when the car started running. So I thought "Oh she'll be fine to go to Costco" - well, no! She had a melt down pretty much from when we got to Costco to when we pulled into the driveway. When I say cry, I mean scream - the tongue quiver, red faced, can't-catch-my-breath kind of crying that breaks your heart....Of course, Claire wasn't making things much better! She hasn't heard Eden cry like that so she was a little stressed too (probably because of me)!
Needless to say, I needed some blogging to be my stress relief. I know I have so much to do right now but this is so cathartic for me!
All that to say hats off to you mother sow! You amaze me!
Here are a few cute ones of my piglets:

Eden's Baby Blessing
The cake was AMAZING! It was strawberry with cream cheese icing - thank you Lora Klinge!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Where were you?
"Where were you when Obama became President?"
Well, I was home with my two wonderful girls watching as much as I could while having one of the fussiest days yet with Eden and juggling Claire's extra neediness! I was nursing during his historical speech - how's that for a memory?!
Obama seems to have really positively charged up a lot of people with such a monumental occasion as being our first African American president. We shouldn't forget that along with this, we also had our first women up for Pres and VP - times have certainly changed. Along with so many, I am so glad my girls will grow up seeing different kinds of people hold such prestigious positions. I pray that this reinforces that they can do whatever they want and be whoever they want to be. The sky's the limit...
I haven't posted anything political and that has been completely on purpose. I'm not much into politics. I know it's a touchy subject with some but I wish it didn't have to be. Politically, I wish we could all just agree to disagree on certain things and simply have a discussion. No matter if you are terrified that this change has occurred or you are ecstatic, there is no denying that we have made a huge step in our history. I pray that God's hand is in everything that Obama does. We all know that humans disappoint so even though so many are expecting such great things and a great turnaround, we must always remember to put our complete faith in God and not man. I'm excited for what this time might bring and look forward to how God will work through this man we now call President.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Claire Elise
A couple weeks ago Neil was watching something on TV about President-Elect Obama and the name certainly caught Claire's ear. She said "Who's that?" so Neil said "Obama-He's going to be our president soon" and she responded "What does that mean?" =)
This was the first time she had asked a full question wanting to understand something! She usually would just say "Why" or "What" so this really caught my ear.
Claire loves to pretend more than anything. She will be someone while we are someone else relating to her. Now this could be a person we know or usually a character like Arthur, Cookie, Ernie, Belle, Ariel, The Wiggles, etc. Along with these characters, we are expected to speak in the appropriate voices and if we can't do the voice (usually me) she says "Can't do it?" and she thinks it's funny =) Well, the other day Claire was Santa and she surprised us by using the lowest "Ho, ho, ho" voice she could make! It was so sweet and her first attempt to do a voice with her characters!
Friday, January 16, 2009
My Breast Friend

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Walking weather
The stroller is a Graco so it works with our car seat for Eden!
Claire peeks through to keep an eye on baby sister! She insisted on putting all of Eden's toys on her car seat that day.
We got this sign from the company that gives the RSV vaccination - Synagis. She got the first dose in the hospital upon my request because it's used for babies 35 weeks and younger. We just found out that the insurance declined covering that rest of the doses because Eden was 35 weeks and 1 day - can you believe that? To pay for it on our own it would be $2600 every month till March or April! With that being said, I encourage everyone to constantly wash your hands!! It's the best way to prevent spreading things around! RSV is going around and it makes me so nervous!
Cheese Ball
Eden's wondering when I'm going to stop taking pictures of her - better get used to it girl!
Our view on our way back to the house. Claire asked why the sky was so pretty and I said it was because God made it that way so she exclaimed to the neighborhood "Thank you God for making the sky pretty!" I tried to get it on video but no such luck
Monday, January 12, 2009
Eden's First Post

I love taking my bath! The warm water calms me down after being naked and cold. I just sit and relax while I get nice and clean. I really love it when my big sister helps! She talks so sweet to me and pours water on my tummy to keep me warm. I especially love it when mommy cleans my hair with a soft brush. I think mommy and daddy are funny because they always take pictures of me in my cute hooded towels – that must be their favorite part!

When I’m awake, I like to hang out in my swing and bouncy chair. It’s the perfect height for Claire to hang out with me too! I also like wearing my pretty bows so everyone knows I’m a girl =) People are so silly these days! It doesn’t matter if I’m dressed in pink head to toe, they still think I’m a boy!

One of my other favorite things is my straight jacket – I mean, my swaddle blanket! It keeps my arms close to my body so I don’t wake myself up! It also makes me feel nice a warm like being in mommy’s tummy.

After I eat, mommy likes to hang out and talk. I really like to see her when we’re talking so I just pull my head up nice and straight to look in her eyes. She makes funny faces at me, talks in a high voice and tells me "good job" when I do it!

This picture is of something I’m not too excited about but it calms me down every once in a while. The paci makes me scrunch up my face and turn my head. I will take it when I’m really hungry and am waiting for mommy to get ready and sometimes when I’m fussy in the car. I don’t think I’ll become attached though… I’d rather use my mouth for eating and making noise!