Wow! What a weekend! We had such a wonderful time visiting with "Aunt" Heather & Jeff and Aunt Heather & Uncle Mike (my brother and his wife).
We faced the traffic on Friday and it took us about 3 hours to get there - not fun but Claire was pretty good as long as Neil was back there playing the part of Ernie (He's such a good daddy!) We spent the evening with my friend, Heather and her boyfriend, Jeff. We had a great dinner from the grill and a nice time visiting. Claire was asleep by 9 p.m. and was pretty good through the night but was up and ready to go at 5:30 a.m. What a little toot! We were exhausted that day!
Saturday morning we were off to Heather and Mike's place. We had a nice visit and walk before we left Claire there for our little get away. In return for watching Maggie (my niece that very much resembles a golden retriever) for a couple weeks throughout the year, they took care of Claire and gave us a night in a beautiful hotel, The Renaissance Marriott and dinner. It was so nice of them and much needed time as a couple! Thank you so much Heather and Mike!
After leaving Claire we took advantage of the babysitting and registered for a few things at Babies R Us before hotel check-in. We then took a nap, ate dinner at Manuel's which is a great Mexican restaurant, hung out at Barnes and Noble, picked up some carrot cake cheese cake from the Cheesecake Factory and took it back to our room to watch a movie called "2"1. It was a WONDERFUL evening and best of all we got a good night sleep - sleeping in till 8:15 a.m.!
I'm so glad we got to spend some more time with Mike and Heather before leaving town. We hung out and visited about there most recent trips, looked at pictures and of course, blew bubbles on the balcony. Claire did wonderfully at their place waking up a few times at night but going right back to sleep. I think Heather might have caught the baby bug even more after this weekend when she was just trying to get her a fix =)
Here are some pics from the weekend:
Claire hanging out with Heather at Jeff's house! Thanks for my bubbles Heather!
"I see you...."
Claire with our "niece" Maggie a.k.a Mag Pie

"Here you go daddy!"
"I'm not really in the mood for this..."
Claire was insisting we close the door until we told her she could see the picture after we take it! We thought it was too funny - she was in there for about 20 minutes

Childless at Manuel's - well, kind of! Eden wasn't moving too much!

The Carrot Cheesecake was FABULOUS!
Prego watching "21" - we liked it

My angel blowing bubbles - I love this picture

I think she just tasted them =)

Worn out from the fun weekend

Uncle Mike and Claire - she loved cuddling with him which is funny because she
doesn't do that with us at all! She has to be really sick for her to do it at home! She must really love him

"Thanks for the fun time away from mom and dad!"
Posing with her last
goodie from Aunt Heater - oh, she got spoiled with her sweets!