Today was a VERY special day I don't want to soon forget!! Claire got her ears pierced!! About a year ago she asked about it but quickly said she didn't want to to do it so I told her when she was ready to let me know. Honestly, I didn't think she would come back to me so soon but the last day of school she asked if she could get her ears pierced. Neil about flipped out!! After we talked about it we decided that Claire could get them pierced after she earned 7 stars on a chart we made together - Claire made her own boxes! We've been dealing with a lot of whining so it has been a great incentive for her to work on her self control - now to make sure she keeps it up!
So here is our momentous occasion in pictures! She was so brave - I could tell she was nervous but she just got up there, relaxed when they told her to, got a little teary after the count down, let me pick her up and then said she was fine! She didn't even cry and a lot of the other people commented on how brave and good she was.

She thought it was great to see her name everywhere in the store!


After!! She chose little pink stones - any surprise?

My baby is growing up! So fun to have this special day together just the two of us!

And of course we had to get a sweet treat to celebrate the occasion - this picture is just beautiful. Claire, sometimes you just take my breath away

One of the things I want to remember most about this day is that after driving around the mall parking lot literally for 20 minutes, Claire and I got out of the car and I savored holding my little girl's hand. Without hesitation she still takes my hand. She took it as we walked along the busy sidewalks of the mall and again as we walked back to the car after she braved her ear piercing. As cheesy as it sounds, I don't want to forget how her sweet, small hand fits into mine and how she proudly walks hand in hand with me. She seems to be growing up right before my eyes so I know it won't be long until it doesn't happen as often or even at all. No matter what, she will always be my baby.
1 comment:
I just love the "hand in hand" comments...cherish those moments!
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