I think it's just a cold but whatever it is, I don't like it!! She has terrible congestion but you can't see it, just hear it (unless she cries or sneezes). She has a hard time breathing when she is eating. Claire wasn't sick till 11 months so I'm not sure what to do with a sick 4 month old. Any suggestions? She sleeps better in her swing because she's more upright - so well she slept in it from 10:30 p.m. - 7:00 a.m.! Her longest stretch yet and she hadn't eaten since 9:15 p.m. It's only the second time she spent the night in her swing but let me tell you, I needed the sleep desperately.
Please say a prayer for quick healing for my angel...
I will be praying for Eden's cold to get better, poor baby girl. If she sleeps better in the swing then by all means let her sleep there. I sometimes end up in my recliner when I can't breath from a cold or allergies so it makes sense. Hang in there and try not to worry too much, she is building up immunities!
I will pray for sweet Eden too. I don't know how the weather is now in SA but here in Mérida is so crazy, steamy hot in the morning to then get chilly and cloudy in the evening! That crazy weather affects even adults! Eden got her 4 m/o shots, I was told when Alina got her shots that I could observe reactions to the shots, mostly fever. She only raised to 98°F thank God no more. I am sure Eden will recover soon with your love and care and of course, our prayers.
Hope Eden is feeling better today!
Poor little girl! She looks so peaceful in the swing though.
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