Let's lighten it up here and go back to Christmas =) I missed Thanksgiving, Eden's birthday & Christmas so I'd like to post at least a little on each especially since they are all the first holidays we were a family of 5. Halif's first holidays home! (no worries - I'm scrapbooking his first year home so we really won't be missing anything) We had our traditional time with Neil's family on Christmas Eve and then we went to our church's Christmas Eve service. Christmas day it was just our 5 and then the girls and I drove my parents, my brother Billy and his girlfriend Diane to Austin to visit Mike, Heather & Pierce. We are LOVING our new van! Neil and Halif stayed back in SA which was a hard decision but I'm SO glad we did because it would've been very overwhelming for him at that time. I started feeling under the weather Christmas Eve and I ended up getting very sick for about a week...not the way I wanted to spend the holiday! Eden also got pneumonia. SO thankful that Neil was home and is so wonderful to take care of all the kids practically by himself. He woke up with Halif every.single.time. for 6 nights in a row and get this? He never once complained or threw out a sarcastic remark. I'm one blessed woman!
Here are some pics from our amazing Christmas:
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