She asked me to take this picture of her after her purple class at BSF! She just cracks me up! My friend Crystal said it perfectly today after we were walking behind her watching her talk to herself with the biggest hand gestures (it was hilarious!) -she said "She's just full of personailty!"
Here are a few things to remember:
- A few weeks ago I was going to the store and asked "Eden, is there anything you think I should get at the store?" (a loaded question I know but they do help me remember!) and with a long pause and holding her chin she said "BEEF!" She does favor beef over chicken =) I didn't get beef that trip so the enxt time she was at the store with me she said "Mom, last time you didn't get beef at the store. We need to get beef." What 3 year old requests beef?!
- Although she gets a ton of attention for her curls, she wants "long hair" like Claire. The grass is always greener... Her hair is actually to the middle of her back when it's wet and Claire always tells her "Look Eden! Your hair is long!"
- She wants to do everything sister is doing and likes/dislikes whatever Claire does
- Jumping is her favorite activitiy - last night she jumped on a friends trampoline for over an hour and was still wanting more. She outlasted all the other older kiddos!
- Still loves all the villians - her current favorites are the Rat King, Green Goblin and Horax
- She has started praying the most precious prayers at bedtime and dinner - just love to hear her pray for her friends when they are sick or to keep them safe. Her thankful list is so sweet. I pray she always knows that we are to come to Him with all tings big and small with a pure heart!
- Tonight she kept coming out of her room with her panties and pajamas around her ankles just shuffling along and the last time waving her arms around... she was just looking for the attention while having a hard time falling asleep... Neil and I had to stiffle our laughs so she knew she seriously needed to stay in bed!
1 comment:
Oh, our precious Eden, full of spirit and courage to go out on her own...may God continue to guide you in training up our little Eden in the ways He would want her to go. I pray for your discernment and vision as you raise her as only you and Neil so lovingly do...MOM
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