Celebrating holidays with kids is so much fun!! It was such a fun day to do special things for the girls - not that we don't do those every other day but we love any reason to celebrate around here =)
The girls woke up to some stickers, chocolate candy hearts and handmade valentines from mom and dad. They got heart shaped peanut butter
sandwiches for their lunch along with a chocolate candy of their choice!

These pictures crack me up!! Claire's big, smile, Eden hugging her goodbye and Eden drying her nails =) It's never dull around here!

They each had class parties where they passed out their crayon and candy treats to their friends, did crafts and ate a lot of junk! I helped with Claire's party and got some pictures of her and her friends! Here is Claire with her friend Nina.

Mrs. Lopez with her whole class

Dusty and Claire... apparantly Dusty blows kisses to Claire everyday =) He's a sweet little boy and his mom is Eden's music teacher!

Me and one of my Valentine's... I just LOVE this girl!! She was beyond exited and proud to have her mom there helping with the party. I wonder how long that will happen. I still remember my mom chaperoning my first dance in the 6th grade and so embarassed. I better savor it while I can!

Eden's class is so sweet - she only has 8 kids in her class and she comes home with story after story of them all! Here are some of her friends - Maverick, Sarah, Eden, Olivia and Ella (aka "not Bella")

Ella hugging Eden (they are so sweet with each other) and Olivia

They each came home with a ton of loot from their class parties!! We had a great day and enjoyed a visit from Grandpa, we went to visit Maw Maw and Mary Ellen and then dinner at Mimi and Poppa's after Claire's first gymnastics class (post coming soon!) What a wonderful day to celebrate!
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