This month we've been continuing to get things ready for the nursery. My dear friend Tara gave us this adorable little blanket to match the room!! Thank you SO much Tara! And we ordered a few books: E is for Ethiopia (btw, a great series of different countries to teach other cultures), A Mother for Choco, Please Baby Please and The Beatitudes. Little by little we are getting things ready.
We will be working on getting our USCIS fingerprints updated as they expire in June as well as updating some dossier paperwork that will have an expired notary within the next few months or so. Not what I anticipated but we continue to take it one day at a time and wait for the day we know who our little guy is.
After our referral call happens they estimate it to be 4-8 months until he is actually home so we will wait again and I ask for yall to really pray for us during that waiting period as I've heard it's 10 times harder!! I'm so thankful for the facebook AGCI Ethiopia group and to have a place to find support through those who are going through the same process and who can be so real with each other. What a blessing it has been during this time as yes, it does seem like forever and yes, it is hard when everyone around me is bringing babies home one way or another!! This past month is the first time people have said "Oh, you're still doing that?" "What ever happened to yalls adoption?" "It just seems like it's taking forever!!" "When is it ever going to happen?" This has been challenging to hear but I appreciate people asking us about it! I pray I can graciously answer and not just say I'm relying on God's strength and timing as we wait but to wholeheartedly do just that!