And so now I must tell you two funny stories! One for Claire and one for Eden =)
Claire LOVES the movie Thumbalina and at the end she almost marries Mr. Mole which isn't her ideal match since she is in love with Cornelius. Just the idea of marrying a mole is supposed to be repulsive in the movie so jokingly Neil asked her the other night "Claire, would you marry the mole?" and as serious as could be she said "If I loved him" and that made this mama's heart smile!! Pray she continues to follow that heart and be true to herself!!
Moving on to Eden's story. I think she's a little confused - poor baby! She's been hearing about baby brother for a while now and she's also been around a lot of pregnant women and their bellies (I know A LOT of pregos right about now!) The other night we were sitting in her chair doing our bedtime story and she pats on my bre*st (yes, we use the correct terminology in this house) and says "Baby?" and I say "No honey" so she pats the other one and asks again "Baby?" and I tell her that mommy won't have baby brother in her body like she sees other mommies. It was so cute. She's done two more times since then. It's interesting to see her process all of this as well =) I wish she could understand it a little better but she will someday!