Monday, June 28, 2010
Let's go fly a kite!

Finger painting
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Our living room was getting really crowded with both pianos (our HUGE non-working one was still in there). We tried selling our other one on craigslist but we got so desperate to get it out that we gave it away for free! They came and moved it all away and what a relief! We have so much more room to play now!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
A date kind of day
Her she is! Don't worry - I've cut her bangs since!! These pictures are so sweet but I can't believe I let her hair grow into her eyes that far!
She's so funny! She practices all around the house but doesn't really sing when she's there. Honestly, the programs are nothing to brag about but they do the best they can with what they have - makes me kind of sad as a music educator. Can't wait for Claire to be with her new MDO next year!
Claire was so excited about her Sonic stuffed tots!
Love this Girl!
That evening it was date night with mommy! Claire LOVES to go to any choir concert or recital with me so off we went to the Stevenson concert (where I went to middle school). I'm trying to get on teaching there once a week next year since it's so close by so we went to go check out the program. Wasn't the best concert to attend to check out vocal technique as they were doing all pop numbers but we still had fun!
Claire had to bring her baby who matched her dress for the evening. Everyone thought she was beyond precious carrying around her baby in her carseat! She got this 2 1/2 years ago and still plays with it =) Notice her matching necklace, bracelets and headband - all her choice! Me and my girl!
We love doing special dates with our girls so that they get one on one time with us. Tomorrow Claire and I are off to see Toy Story with some friends!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Our first home study!
7 years

Our marriage has truly surpassed all my dreams with God being our center - it isn't always easy but we've learned how the other "works" which has been invaluable. We know each other's love language and strive to build each other up daily. We know when to say "I'm sorry" and how to get to the real issue. We know how to take each moment in and strive to make every day together last; we don't ever want to take our time together for granted. Growing together these past years has been amazing and I can't wait for the rest of our years together.
I've been listening to this song by Revive the past couple of weeks and LOVE it! Here is the video - it encourages us to live in the moments and how fast life can fly by. Love the "Slow down" bridge!
"I don't want to miss even just a second more of this - it happens in a blink, it happens in a flash" - I love you Neil!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day
This picture was taken after some sprinkler fun on Saturday and after forgetting to get a picture actually on Father's Day - this is our official picture. And it's great! Neil's feathery hair, Eden trying to get away, Claire's cheesy grin. Priceless!
Sunday we spent lunch with Neil's family and I forgot to put my memory chip in my camera -UH! I was so disappointed! After a good nap, we met my parents and Billy at the pool - one of my dad's favorite things to do with the girls. We enjoyed the water and Subway. So relaxing and fun before Neil and I had to get to the grind getting ready for our home visit (we were up till 1:30 a.m.!)
Claire is in LOVE with the pool this year! We've spent a lot of time there already =) Eden showing Grandpa she can blow bubbles!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Easy Father's Day Craft

Home Visit
Please pray that this weekend is productive and that I don't have unnecessary anxiety!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Lucy and Tweety

A huge thanks to Mike for letting Claire keep the caterpillars. I'm so excited to watch them and use it as an opportunity to teach Claire and Eden about the whole process. We've read and learned all about it but to watch it actually happen will be quite memorable! And just like the caterpillars, how we become a new creation through Jesus as our Lord. We transform into HIS image everyday!
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hague Training
Last weekend we were up in Austin again getting our required 10 hours of Hague Training for our home agency. We will also have to do mandatory Hague hours through AGCI but that will be a workbook and online classes. For those who are wondering what Hague Accreditation means click and read. It meant a lot to us to use an agency that was Hague accredited so we were assured that everything was being done ethically and legally correct.
The training was really great! We learned a ton and some of the key points they talked about were the stages of grief for everyone involved in adopting - very eye opening and interesting. No matter what age these kids or babies are they all go through a grienving process that we need to be aware of. They lose everything they know as home, caretakers, friends, surroundings, language, country, etc. I'd love to talk more about this with anyone who is interested! We also spoke about how to integrate our baby's culture into our home and how we will now be a multicultural family, what to expect for medical issues when traveling and upon return, attachment and bonding (we're going to have to do a lot of things differently than we did with the girls!), saw video of some orphanages, child development and SO much more. So glad we got some much info - it was certainly overwhelming trying to remember everything!
One of the other greatest parts was meeting so many different families. We met a couple who are adopting from China and have been in process for 5 years, a single mid-30's woman who was waiting to travel for her court date to Ethiopia for her 26 month old son, another single woman adopting from India, an older couple adopting from Ethiopia, a family adopting their second baby from Korea and a handful of families hosting older kids from Columbia through Kids Save. There was one family there who lives about 10 minutes away from us and I'm so excited to get together with them. They have a 3 and 2 year old and are adopting their third from Thailand. They spent a number of years there as missionaries by running a workout gym. I really clicked with Julie and look forward to connceting with them soon!
A HUGE thank you to Aunt Heather for keeping Eden for us during the day. She had a blast with you! Thank you also for letting us stay with you and the yummy dinner. Our training was only 10 minutes from Mike and Heather's house so we were able to spend time in the evening and Sunday am with Heather. Also, a HUGE thank you to Aunt Shannon and Uncle Steve for letting Claire come stay. She is still talking about her time with her cousins! We couldn't do all this without our families!
OK - off to work more on the garage sale for Saturday. Please pray for a big success and for people to come! We live in a little inlet of our neigborhood so I'm nervous about people not showing up. I've advertised on Craig's list 3 times already and we're putting our signs up tonight to catch people in the area!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Austin IS weird!
We got up to Mike and Heather's just in time for dinner. They took us to a well known place called Max's Wine Dive. Super good!