She loves to make us laugh, she loves to "tell" us what she thinks, she loves to do what she does on her own time, She loves to have fits, she loves pretending, she loves coming up to your leg and moving her hands to pick her up and then finding anything and everything on counters, shelves, etc for you to pick up for her! Pillows - she LOVES pillows! She will throw herself on them all day long and this girl LOVES to EAT! If someone is eating, she's gotta have it. As in the words of her great-grandma Ann "I've never seen a baby eat so much!"
Here are some pics and one video (her twirling) from the past couple of weeks with some of the other things she is loving right now:
Shoes - if there are any laying around, she'll try all day to put them on - BY HERSELF of course =) Here she is with Mama's slippers...
And here she is with Claire's tennis shoes one! We have a shoe lover on our hands!
This girl LOVES to dance - she'll pump her arm and her latest dance move is twirling as long as she can till she gets crazy dizzy!! Here is the CUTEST video =) (Don't worry! I was watching her close in case she was heading for anything sharp like those cabinet corners! It still makes me nervous just watching it!)
Eden loves chairs that are just her size! This has been an on going love from a couple months before but these pics were too cute and her love just keeps on growing. Who can resist a polka dotted stool? And movie theater seats for little ones? Yes, this is at a birthday party at Mini-Town with Lily Kate. They were watching Nemo!
This Dora pop up tent is the best entertainer when Mama needs to get something done. She could spend all day in and out, in and out.
She really likes when the tent is on it's side and with sister in tow.
Oh this girl LOVES to color - crayons are her friend and she is actually really good with them. She of course loves to color when sissy is =) Isn't this the cutest?
This week we finally turned Eden's car seat around - I was waiting until she just couldn't fit backwards any more and she was dreading getting in the car so... we turned her around and she LOVES it! She's so much more comfortable now that she is finally growing taller. Here she is sleeping when we got home from church. We did get some video of her just laughing it up when she rode for one of the first times.
And this is what I love... still holding my girl and keeping her my baby a little bit longer =) She NEVER does this so I just had to get a picture to capture the moment!
First of great to see you today.
Second... I love the cuddly picture. Lyla doesn't do that anymore either.
Third... I love the twirling. Teach her to twirl the opposite way to make herself "undizzy".
What a doll!
She is an absolute doll and I LOVE her name. We almost named our new baby girl Eden. I LOVE IT!!! :0)
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