Look what these girls and their bed head are so excited about...

they got their bunk beds!!! We finally sold Claire's bed to a sweet family from church so we were able to get the bunk beds ordered and moved in before school started -
yippee!! They really love having them and it's been great to get more space in the bedroom. The stairs on the bed have drawers so we can have more storage. Something at a
premium when moving kiddos in together.

They especially love the top but Eden is doing fine with having to sleep on bottom. She is doing great at staying in bed and sharing a room - even better with the beds instead of mattresses on the floor. I think it's because they can't see each other and it isn't as easy to get out =)
This is a big step for Eden - her first big girl bed! Do you think she likes it?

Our big girl keeps growing up right before our eyes! I'm SO thankful that this transition was actually pretty easy (especially compared to Claire) and it's one more check off the list to getting things settled while we wait for our little guy!

Bottoms up!!
yo legs up like that you don't think she don't want this cock destroying her pussy in her new big girl bed
I would gladlyfuck her in all 3 holes
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