2003 - nine years ago! a few months before we started a new forever together
2004 - we didn't take pictures together but this was on one of the many nature adventures Neil took in the forest area across from our apartments. Loved this picture with the apartment building in the back with the ever present balloons!
2006 - We welcomed our sweet Claire just a few weeks before! This was the picture we used for her birth announcements!
2007 - This was the year of the bluebonnet photo challenge =) Neil and I each took Claire separately to see who could take the best pictures! Just a friendly competition that we don't remember who judged or who won! Claire was just a little over a year
2010 - A few pics with Abbey and one with Eden in the same outfit that we took Claire's pictures in.
Eden Noel (1 and 4 months old)
still 2010 - this was the first time we did professional pics and they were by Synergy Photography in San Antonio.... some of my most favorite pictures not only because they were amazing but because of the time of our lives it signifies! This was when we started our adoption process and we used these pictures on our thank yous for everyone who helped us in one way or another. These pictures will always be some of my favorite...
Eden - 1 and 4 months old
Claire - 4 years old
2011 - we were all set to get pics taken again but it was so windy that we delayed and then when we rescheduled the bluebonnets were gone!! It wasn't a very good year for them!
2012 - this year... my sweet girls in matching dresses...these will also be some of my favorites for all time =)
Eden - 3 and 4 months old our budding photographer and memory preserver!
It's amazing to see how God has weaved our lives over the past years! I pray that next year we will have three little ones posing in those bluebonnets and celebrating yet another season of what He has in store for our family!
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