Our annual Breakfast with Santa at church was so much fun! This is the first year Eden knows who Santa is so she couldn't wait - of course the minute she laid eyes on him she was terrified but it never stopped her from talking about him constantly (all month and more!)
Here are Leyna and Claire this year - I take a pic of them together every year and can't believe how much they've changed.

Claire especially loved the addition of the build-your-own-pancake-with-candy! This girl loves her sweets =)

Sister forever

This is what I get these days when I say "show me your teeth!"

Waiting to see Santa and checking out the reindeer food

Claire was more than ready and eager to see Santa this year! Eden - not so much =) Claire told Santa she wants a craft box which actually sounds like "crap" box so we had to translate for her. This cracks us up every time she tells someone when they ask "what did you ask Santa for?"

The four of us with Santa - the closest we could get Eden to the bearded guy. Claire tried to tell Santa what Eden wants and we finally got from her that she wants a "turtle".

The loves of my life

Just the four of us - Neil and I are SO blessed! Praying that next year it will be the five of us =)

Grandma stopped by towards the end to catch a glimpse of the girls in their matching pj's. Eden was loving her candy cane and sitting on Grandma's lap!

The day after Breakfast with Santa, I took Claire to the neighborhood Christmas party. I couldn't pass this picture up when posting - isn't that a great Santa and the cutest 4 year old? This meeting brought up a lot of questions about Santa =) "Why does he look different?" Apparently, Santa is a busy man and has helpers!
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