Did I just write that?! I can't believe it's been 14 years since we started this Christmas party - well, technically we've only had 12 because we didn't have one in '98 and we didn't do it in '08 (when Eden was born!) Well, the years have changed our party. It now starts early and we have pitter-patter of little feet running around =) We have had early endings but this year we had some later guests so it was a late one!! Unfortunately we didn't get a group shot and I didn't even get pics of Danny, Jenny, Philip, Kristi and Jeff! SO much fun catching up with everyone!
Yes - the party certainly has changed! Here is Kate and Tracy with the girls!

Crystal, Richard, Eric and Erin (and baby Schmidt due August 4th!! CAN'T WAIT!)

Our cookie monster had so much fun running around with the big girls!

My mom and dad stopped by to say hello to the old gang and see the girls!

The girls played so well together! 6 girls - we gotta get some boys in the mix! HA!

J.J., Claire, Andy and Lyla

Aubrey and Andy

Didn't even get one picture of Neil and I! I think this is the first year I didn't take a lot of pictures but just enjoyed our time together. We LOVE hosting the Christmas party every year and can't wait to see what changes this year will bring to our old group of friends. Hard to believe - although we don't talk all the time or see each other every week, we will forever be friends!
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