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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Random catching up from May and June

Well, I'm back! Honestly, I needed to take a little hiatus from the blog world - writing them, reading them, getting lost in them but just tonight I tumbled across some really inspiring posts from people I know and people I'll probably never meet. My evenings have been filled up with so many other things so along with NEEDING a little break, I also just had other things to get done. So, this is my photo makeup for the past month! I can't post everything but here are some highlights and just some fun things too =)

Eden just loved her teachers this year - Ms. Myra and Ms. Megan - and asks almost daily to see them... still... even on July 5th... she can't WAIT to get back to school but is still trying to understand she will have different teachers! This is them at their end of the year program in her Red Classroom.
Mother's Day is almost my favorite holiday because when we didn't do anything to deserve our birthday, I feel like honoring our mother's (and father's on their day) is something really special! The girls spoiled me with cards and letters and such cute stuff about 2 weeks before mother's day and mostly on their own accord. We had a wonderful morning of worship and then spent time with the family at Billy's restaurant!

Daddy and his girls!

We stopped to visit with Mimi and Poppa too!
Daddy and his girls just hanging out in our usual choice of dress - the swimsuit
Claire chose between gymnastics over T-ball for the spring this year... she LOVED her gymnastics class and has really improved with her strength and balance. Her favorite is balance beam.
They each got medals for their end of the season performance!
We've really enjoyed just hanging out with friends!
The Lamar crew - Charlie, Andy and Mary
Eden's playgroup friends while the big girls are at school! Lyla, Lily, Eden and Lydia - we have a lot of "L" names in this bunch!
A Jed sandwich! Loved our visit with the Bowers family!
I have loved celebrating with my friends too! SO proud of Marie for graduating from PA school after teaching biology for a number of years.
Claire's last day of school came way too fast! Can't believe she is now a 1st grader! She chose her end of the year outfit =) Daddy's Rock Star with her nest necklace from Meredith!
sweet sisters
We've had some great visits with Heather, Mike and Pierce - can't believe how fast he is growing up too!
Can't be spring and summer without some nature projects! We watched carefully for weeks as a birds nest was built on our front door and out of 6 eggs, 2 hatched. I could write a whole blog on the pics of these little ones... how I get totally immersed in the nature projects around here! I think I like them more than anyone else!
Celebrating with more friends! Danielle is expecting her first and it was great to all get together to shower her with love!
Crystal with Julia, Casey, Christina, Danielle, Marie, Me and Kate with Everett
And yet another nature project (these aren't really in good groupings are they? That's really bothering me but I don't have the time to reorganize!)  We were given these AMAZING Tobacco Hornworms and Claire really got into learning about them. They really are unique in how they cocoon and their behaviors. Our kitty Rollo liked them too =) We didn't end up having a successful cocoon and emerging like we've had in years past but it was still really cool and the girls were proud to show them to their friends!

One morning, after a glorious sleeping in thanks to Neil, I woke up to the cutest bus set up I've seen =) These girls could play together for hours and I'm so thankful for that blessing! Each chair is labeled for each  of us including brother in the back!

We've spent a little time out at Sea World and the girls had a great time learning the difference between seals and sea lions. They thought the nursing mother was so cute and I just loved seeing that sweet little sea lion be cuddled by her mommy!
Having fun at Bay of Play at Sea World!
We went to a fundraiser for Children's Cancer called "Reese's Royal Ball" and the girls loved getting ready for the ball - nails and hair done by mommy and even mommy dressed up with them =) Its was a great event for an even greater cause!
These girls can't go a day without building something and playing with their squinkies! This one was built for daddy and this pic ended up on a decorated snack jar for Daddy's office for Father's Day

OK.... that's enough! Next up, anniversary post and another one on my little scientists =)
If you got this far, here is a nugget: we've actually got our referral for our amazing son in Ethiopia a week ago today on June 28th and I'm working on that blog post... it's not an easy one to write! Our hearts are overjoyed as well as grieving so it's not easy to put it all in words and some of it just won't be. Can't wait to share the news with those of you who didn't know yet!
Jenny came into town too!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

forget mum just the girls for me, the older one looks like she has a nice fat slit

Anonymous said...

If I was dad I would have a hand on each of their little pussies playing with it