The moment I found out I was pregnant with Claire 5 1/2 years ago, I became a mom and my life was forever changed. Then she was born and my life REALLY changed!! 2 1/2 years later along came Eden and our world was turned upside down once (again!). These two girls are the light of my life and I yearn for my little guy who will again, create a new normal for us. I don't have the
eloquent words to describe this feeling I have for him already and I don't even know his face or name yet. I PRAY he is home by next Mother's Day so I can spend it with my three little ones. As always, I also continue to pray for our sweet ones birth mother as I can only imagine what she is and will be going through by having to say goodbye to her baby boy. Just breaks my heart.
Although being a mom is accompanied by tough days, the past 5 1/2 years have been one of the most molding, eye opening, humbling, and amazing experiences that has ever happened to me. It is the most rewarding job I am honored to hold as God has entrusted me to mold their little lives to be His servants and live for Him alone!

This year was so fun as Claire really understood what we were celebrating and she took so much initiative starting a week in advance! She wanted to check out a fingerprint art book from the library to make me a card and she made me this all by herself (Neil did the writing!) These two are of a cat and a beaver.

Here is a bee, spider and lion

And this one is a
caterpillar, flower, turtle, girl with long hair, a pirate, a frog and three little people at the bottom (maybe a bunny? =) She is such a craft lover!

The girls made these great gifts at
MDO for me with their pics inside shoes they have outgrown. On the
leaves it says "Plant in a loving family, sprinkle with kisses, bathe in the light of the Lord" How cute is that?

And this is my favorite =) Claire made this and told the teacher what to write about me! She was more than excited to show me her drawing of her and I on the front.

And this page just about made me cry. So wonderful to hear her "say" that I like to play and that my wish would be to have baby brother! What a sweetheart! And yes, my favorite food is pizza - I could eat it everyday =)

So this mother's day was wonderful as the kids are getting a little older and showering me with extra love and kisses. I got breakfast in bed, pizza for lunch, a nice long nap, a visit to Neil's mom (my mom was out of town) and
throw up all over me after dinner!! Eden started her 4 day stomach bug that evening which just reminded me why I celebrate mother's day in the first place... to take care of my babies and that no mother truly gets a day off!
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