Moving on... did I mention Claire was BEYOND excited!! She couldn't wait to see the school, meet her teacher (which she was disappointed when I told her she wouldn't be doing this) and she was really excited to see her friend Layla. Layla and Claire have been in the same class this year at MDO and we are hoping they will be again this year.
Here they are - two peas in a pod waiting for the school tour and eating their goodies from the lunch line! They were so giddy and cute holding hands through the hallways.
Claire is more than ready for school - academically and socially - but I am getting a huge dose of reality that time is flying by at lightening speed. Where has the time gone? I have four more months with her to primarily be with me and I want to make EVERY moment count!
A few things I want to remember:
- It was so surreal walking the same halls with my baby as I did when I was in 4th and 5th grade. How awesome to have her going to the same school as I did!
- As soon as we walked into the cafeteria, she met the principal and gave him the hardest and loudest high five I've heard in a long time. I think she took him by surprise =)
- When the nurse was introduced she leaned over to me and said "She looks like a good nurse!" So sweet
- We went through the lunch line for a milk and treat so they could see where and how they would buy their lunch. She looked at me worried when we got to the register and said "I don't think I'll have enough for my lunch" Poor thing thought she had to pay for it herself - I reassured her that mom and dad would be giving her money if she wasn't bringing her lunch. So glad she spoke up and wasn't worrying about that any longer!
- She is so excited about having a library at her school. She didn't say anything to me but a few days later told someone "And we have our OWN library at our school. Isn't that special?" So glad she loves books and loves to read. She can't wait to check them out "all by myself"