So on top of getting ready for the wedding this weekend and my voice recital on Sunday, I decided to do some sorting of Claire's clothes and a laundry marathon today! Well, not only clothes but hats, shoes, hair bows and accessories, socks, tights, etc. What was I thinking? I just got a burst of energy that I haven't had in forever so I'm glad I put it to good use. I can't believe how many clothes Claire has - it's almost embarrassing! We were gifted so much and a sincere thank you to everyone who helped us accrue boxes of clothes. If we are having another girl, she is all set and I've even separated all the neutral clothes so if we have a baby boy he will have a few things. He might just have to wear pink pajamas! Anyway, I took some cute pics of Claire helping out. She LOVES to help in anyway but most of all, she loved to climb into the box of clothes!! Going through her closet we also pulled out her baby play mat with bird mobile. She couldn't get enough of it and I know she's going to have a fit when she realizes I put it away during nap time!! The pics were too cute not to share so here they are!
"I'm so cute aren't I mom!?"

Tower of shoes and such that I had already packed away!

Claire loving the bird again - oh, maybe she will be a little jealous when brother or sister is playing with this one!

Here are some cute random pics we've taken this week
Eating cheerios and hanging with daddy on Saturday morning

Coloring before church starts

Claire LOVES her Rollo! Almost too much sometimes! She loves to give her real hugs and Rollo is so patient with her... most the time