This girl is surprising me left and right...just goes to show that you shouldn't pigeon hole your children =) As little as a few months ago Claire was leary of trying new things, easily gave up when she didn't do something right the first time, couldn't lose a game without tears, cried at the drop of a hat, was easily embarassed but the past month I've seen her change and grow. She's gotten more self confident. She's trying new things. She's going all the way across the monkey bars at school and when she falls off the "hard" one at the park, she tries and tries again (a few tears after about the twentieth time of not getting the higher bar in the middle) But the next day she was back on and did it all by herself!
It's been really amazing to see her grow up since she started school. To evolve more into the person God has created and intended her to be. As she continues to learn, grow, change and become her own person I look forward to being right there for her. Of course, she didn't want me to even touch her to help her on the monkey bars (but she did let me hold her up while trying out the blades). It wasn't easy to see her hanging there and not touch her... I had to sit far away but was always watching =)
Although it's hard to see your baby grow up, it's really amazing to be part of it.
1 comment:
Our little one is growing so fast. I sometimes forget how strong and stubborn she can be. I hope she can channel that strength and compassion into her life as she matures into a young lady. - Neil
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