After riding on the "roller coaster" aka bridge, we stopped at Snoopy's for a YUMMY seafood dinner. My parents met us there and it didn't disappoint! Then it was next door for ice cream at Scoopy's and some fish watching.
Then it was off to the beach - the girl's had been anticipating it for WEEKS so I couldn't wait to see their faces. Especially Eden's because she's never been to the beach before. This is currently by FAVORITE picture of our big girl Claire... Us...
And here is Eden...
Yup... asleep and we tried three times to wake her up!! She sleeps just like her mama =) She was so exhausted that she slept right through it and missed our first beach visit. We were only there for about 25 minutes or so and once we got to the town home, we just put her in bed. (Something I NEVER want to forget - When Mike and Heather arrived late that night, both girls woke up from Pierce's cries and I ran upstairs to check on them. Eden stood at the top of the stairs in her sleepy haze, rubbing her eyes and said "Brudder here?" Melt and break my heart at the same time!! It was so sweet and sincere... she's anticipating him just as much as anyone.)
The next day we spent almost 6 hours on the beach soaking it all in! The girls had a blast and never slowed down! We all had a great time swimming, body boarding, looking for shells, hanging out in the canopy shade, eating lunch, reading, building and shoveling the sand, etc. Eden n Mike
Fun with Uncle Mike!
We were surprised at how brave and persistent Claire was with the body boarding! She got some face fulls of water but kept going and loved riding in the big waves!
Daddy n Eden
Pierce getting some love from mommy and daddy
All smiles
Loving the sand
We had a great dinner back at the townhouse and celebrated Mike and Heather's bdays with a yummy cake. Then it was put the kids to bed and start a game. We played Scattergories and had a great time!! There was some competitive moments but a lot of fun and even more laughing! We left early the next day to make it to a afternoon rehearsal at church so the trip was short and sweet but so worth it. Can't wait to go back (hopefully as a family of 5)!!