Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

18 months old

Is my baby already a year and a half old?! Wow - she is just as sweet as pie and learning her ins and outs everyday is a blessing. She has been having a rough two weeks with fighting sickness (croup and another virus) and she's teething BAD! Getting her molars before she finishes her front teeth but I did notice that she did get another front tooth so guess she's working on them all at once. Poor baby (and poor mommy and daddy!)

So here she is with her sister looking cute as can be =) As many of you know, I'm a sucker for matching outfits!

Oh this girl loves being outside!

Here are a few pics of Eden throughout this past month along with somethings I want to remember!

It's rare to get a pic of the three of us - love this one with her chewing on her finger =)

Daddy closed his eyes but they were having such fun! It's a good pic of those teeth too =) Eden LOVES to laugh - making us laugh or laughing while she sees what we will do when she stands on the couch, when we tickle her till she can't hardly breathe, when Claire makes faces at her, when we chase her around the house, when she sees Rollo throughout the day - her laugh is contagious!
See? She's SILLY!
Oh this girl still loves to eat and LOVES her watermelon. Fruit is her favorite these days.
She smiles so sweet but still has her many times throughout the day where she challenges what we say to her. This month was the beginning of time outs for Eden and she is doing really well with them. We do them just like Claire's with the warning and when she hears the "time out" warning she scowls at me and scrunches up her face. She stays in her corner really well and is quick to kiss me once we set on the steps to talk about why she went. It's about setting the routine and expectations right now and surprisingly she is getting it really well. She has always watched curiously when Claire goes to T.O. so she has seen it enough to know it's not a good thing.
A few other things:

- She is a monkey and climbs EVERYTHING and as always, doesn't want your help. Even when she can't do it - she'd rather just struggle for awhile! Strong-willed and determined for sure.

- She LOVES sitting in big chairs because she feels like a big girl. She really wants to sit at a big chair to eat meals with us now but I'm trying teach her that if she's going to eat it's in the high chair and it's not off our plates. This is really hard right now! I remember Claire going through the grazing period too

- Still loves to sing and dance - her favorite two songs right now are "Encourage one another" from Hide 'em in Your Heart (scripture set to song that I recommend to EVERYONE!) and "La Bamba" from another children's CD I have.

- She has starting talking so much more and I love to hear her voice! This is what she can say now:

"no", "mouw" = cat and mouth, "uh-oh", "uh" = up, "daddy" (my favorite), "mommy", "buh" = bug,

Say and Identify - nose = "no", eyes = "eyes", mouth = "mouw", ears = "ouch" (because that's what I say when she pulls my earrings!)

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