Well, today we said our goodbyes to Billy after staying with us for 6 months... wow... can't believe how fast the past 6 months flew by. He started camping out on our couch in August, he set the goal to move to Austin in November and after his last shift today he loaded up and off he went. I've NEVER seen him so excited about anything in his life! I'm so extremely proud of him for setting a goal, sticking with it and meeting it.
This time together was priceless. Neil and I had always wanted to be there for him and I just pray we were there for much more than a place to stay. We've never had so much time together. We've never talked so much. One of the best things was having him see us as a family and for him to spend so much time with the girls. He admitted to us the other day that he didn't like kids before he moved in and now he loves them! I'll never forget the picture I have of him yesterday in the Kohl's parking lot. One hand holding Claire's and the other pushing Eden's stroller. I laughed and said I wished I had my camera!
So my baby brother is growing up. He's taken a lot of tough roads so I'm praying that he continues on this self motivated one he's on right now. Most of all I pray that he comes to know the Lord so that he realizes that he can't do it by himself. I ask for you all to remember him in your prayers as well. For his transition to go well, for him to get a job in Austin as soon as possible, for him to stay focused and to make wise choices, for him to have good friends and influences in his life and most of all, for him to come to know the love of Christ for him.
7 years ago
I think there in nothing more challenging and heart wrenching that a sibling who choices to reject Jesus. I know how you feel, I am experiencing the same with my sister. She is growing up and working hard, but she hits obstacles at every turn. I just pray that she some day realizes those road blocks will disappear when she puts her faith in the Lord.
I'll be praying for Billy. You and Neil are so wonderful for loving Billy enough to open up your home to him.
I never knew that tough love could be so hard. It is only through the Lord's message to me in scripture that I could let go of the guilt and feelings of anger about this decision...I thank God that you and Neil were an answer to my prayers for healing. The Lord is working and answering our prayers in sometimes most mysterious ways and, only afterwards, do we realize that it was Him all along supporting, urging, and finally giving peace.
I love you guys and thank God for your generous gift of love to our dear son Billy...each of us has their own journey toward the truth and, I too, pray that THE TRUTH will set him free. Love, Mom
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