Oh, if you know me at all, you know that I've been DYING to write this post!! Neil and I have officially decided to start our adoption journey to get our little boy from Ethiopia. Yes, it's true and we're excited, nervous,
overwhelmed, humbled, scared, excited and more =) We've always talked about this time in our lives and can't believe that we are actually here.
Well, Neil and I started seriously researching and praying for God's timing back in December. His plan was a little sooner than ours (we thought we'd wait till Eden was 2) but we're going to trust that His will be done. We've been keeping our own private adoption blog to get our feelings, research and journey down and I just opened it to share with friends and family. I'm hoping it will help answer a lot of people's questions. The most common one is "Why Ethiopia?" and I've loved expressing how God has led us to this beautiful country with some amazing people. We've
actually written about 7 posts on this question of "why"
Ethiopia and just why adopt. I am nowhere near done learning the "why" and look forward to what else God will be revealing to us our journey together. Click
http://nklewisadoption.blogspot.com/search/label/why to see all 7 posts if you are interested! (disclaimer =) For some reason I don't have a spell check button on our adoption blog??? So I have TERRIBLY
misspelled posts!)
I probably will start writing everything on this blog now that everyone knows and I thank you for so many of your kind words and prayers already this week. We've gotten so much positive, encouraging emails and it makes us so thankful for our support. We won't be able to do this without you!
I want to leave a special prayer request that I included on my email out to close friends and family this week. Please pray for us as we go through the process of gathering all our paperwork for our dossier and go through our
home study. I'm a little nervous about it going smoothly! Also, I'd like to ask for VERY special prayers for our little one who has probably already been
conceived. My heart breaks for the family who will have to make a tough decision for us to be able to welcome another sweet child into our family. Our joy will be
someone's heartache... I can't imagine what his birth mother is going through right now or what she will be going through soon. I pray that she is as healthy as she can be and that our little boy is growing strong.
We are so excited to share our journey with you so please ask us ANY questions at ANY time! You can just leave a comment and I'll try to answer them in another why post!