Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

We got to the Pumpkin Patch last Sat. morning but I had to edit all the pics because Claire had a huge boo boo under her nose! So it's taken me a long time to get these up. We went super early to the Methodist church in Helotes and Claire loved looking at all the pumpkins. She especially liked the ones with the "bumpies" on them.

Hospital Visit

Monday night we went to the Methodist hospital where we will be delivering and did the hospital tour. Even though we were there with Claire I'm glad we went because things have really changed! Just walking those halls made it all feel so close and real... I'm so excited to see Eden but lately it does carry some anxious feelings and makes me wonder - will it be any easier this time around because I kind of know what I'm doing? how am I going to do this with two? how am I going to love both kids equally? I'm already feeling the pressure of doing things fairly and the same. But I also want to make things special for them. This has come up when decorating their rooms, doing scrapbooks, etc. More than anything I just can't wait to hold her and smell that sweet baby smell. I can't wait for Claire to see her either - it's going to be a moment I know I'll never forget.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Life Group Costume Pics

We had our second costume event tonight with our life group! The kids were so cute and cooperative except for Ms. Claire. She isn't too keen on the group picture idea and quickly turned to tears after we all started snapping away - again. After everyone left I asked her why she didn't like taking pictures with her friends and she said it was because everyone was looking at her and being loud. She's done this for awhile and has never liked all eyes on her when people are talking loud and laughing. My sensitive girl... hope she out grows it!

My attempt of a group shot: Leyna as Raggedy Ann, Hunter as the pumpkin, Claire as the cat, Carly as the penguin and Jacy as the bumble bee!

Too cute!

I love this picture of Hunter! What a cute pumpkin!

Jennifer and Lee with their pumpkin Hunter

I snuck a shot of Claire!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Doctor's appointment

We had a dr. appt. today at 30 weeks 4 days and as usual, everything went very well! Eden's heart rate was in the 140's and Claire was excited to hear it again. When we told her we were going to the dr. she kept asking "Eden sick?" and I said "No" but she insisted that the dr. check on the baby in her tummy because her baby was sick. So we got to do some pretending and she had fun laying up on the exam table. She's such a funny girl!

Monday evening I got a call from my doctor's nurse telling me that my glucose test was fine but that I'm anemic so I've been on iron supplements this week. The doctor said I'll be on them till Eden is born and that I won't be checked again until I check into the hospital for Eden's arrival. I will then be checked after she is delivered and if I'm still anemic, then I'll have to get a blood transfusion, I will be pretty weak and my recovery will be a little longer. I'm really hoping that won't be the case so everyone please pray that my iron level gets up to where it's supposed to be. Eden isn't affected at all which is great news! She's all set because she's the one taking all my iron!! =)

I also got my flu shot today and Claire got her mist on Tuesday. Everyone stay healthy and get one as soon as you can!!

This weekend we are painting the nursery and my men (Neil, Dad and brother, Mike) are installing two fans/lights in the girl's rooms. My sister-in-law and mom are going to be keeping Claire entertained - Thank you so much to everyone helping out! I'll post pics of our project when we are completed.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Playgroup Costume Pics

Claire got together with some of her friends today from playgroup and they had fun showing each other their costumes!! Thank you to Jed who had us over for lunch (and his wonderful mommy, Stefany!)

We had quite the costume mishap - I handstiched the fluffy part around her neckline and when I tried pulling it up on her, it kept the neck from stretching!! It was too tight to fit over her little body so I ended up cutting it off the back. Poor girl kept saying "Too tight!!" Now there is fluff all over the house and the kitchen floor is covered. She was also supposed to have fluff around her wrists and ankles but she didn't want to put that on today =(

Oh well, we have 3 other opportunities to dress up so
we'll just have to try again!

Isn't she the cutest cat you've ever seen?

Posing with Jed - her favorite baby boy!

Claire with Skyler - the sweetest witch around!

Bruce as the Starbuck's dude! He wasn't so sure about this photo shoot!

Neither was Jed but I caught a pretty good pic of him!! His skunk costume wasn't in SA so his creative mommy made him a ghost costume. The cutest ghost I've ever seen!

My group shots didn't turn out very well so here was my best one. Claire didn't want to get in the picture because the babies were crying but I finally convinced her. She better get used to it!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Prego pics

This weekend I had to judge the middle school region competition and I actually got myself ready so I had to take some decent prego pics! These were taken Friday - 29 weeks 4 days. Claire was SO funny... she wanted to be in all the pictures so as soon as I started pulling my shirt every which way, she did the same! Neil caught some cute ones and I especially love the one where she posed from the side. We're getting more excited every day!

What a ham!

This one was taken today - 29 weeks 6 days - after a long afternoon nap! She was being so sweet and giving Eden hugs so we had to capture it =)

More Friendship Retreat pics

Got these from Neil's parent's camera and LOVED them!! Enjoy!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Stories to remember

A few stories from this week that I want to remember!

"Band aid Blues"

On Sunday morning before church Claire lightly bumped her leg and when asked she said she did it on the wall. She wanted a band aid and I wasn't in the mood to fight it so she got a really cool Little Mermaid band aid with Prince "Doo-Loo" as Neil affectionately named him for her. (She wants to know EVERYONE'S name!) Well, it was non-stop talking about her band aid and when warned about it coming off soon, she'd have a bit of a fit. I finally got the band aid off Tuesday - yes, I left it on that long - as it was barely hanging on. It's so funny how kids LOVE band aids! I guess I'd love them too if they had pictures and everyone went "Ahhhh" when I told them I got hurt.

"Nursing Elmo"

On Wed. I was getting ready for BSF and Claire was sitting in our lazy-boy in the bedroom. I noticed she had covered herself slightly with a baby blanket and was unusually quiet. I asked her "Claire, what are you doing?" and she said "I'm feeding Elmo". I then asked what Elmo was eating and she said "Milk from my boobies"!! HA! She has seen a lot of my friends nurse and was recently interested in her new friend Baby Isaiah who was covered by a baby blanket Sunday night at life group. Pretty funny huh? As a side note, she has often said that babies eat boobies and so we have been trying to teach her that they drink milk FROM mommies just like they drink FROM a bottle - not eat them. So it looks like she has the concept!! She's even being modest about it =)

Thanks Mom!

A HUGE thank you to the beautiful duvet cover and pillow that my mom made for Claire's bed! Claire loves it and is sleeping under it for the first time tonight! It matches the curtains and quilt she made for Claire's nursery and is just perfect for her. My wonderful friend Lezlee is working on letters to hang on the wall and her room will be all set! Now we need to get the nursery going. Here are some pics of her loving on her bed.

I couldn't resist posting these pictures! Claire went to MDO today because I had to makeup my Monday lessons so she was there for picture day. She hadn't gotten a chance to wear this cute outfit I found so it was perfect for today - especially because it was a bit cool this morning. Look at that smile!! She's definately gotten it down and uses it to her advantage. Thank you to Neil who got her ready and even put a bow in her hair.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Friendship Retreat

This weekend was the annual Friendship Retreat in Medina for Neil's family. It started as a retreat for his mom's youth group from Corpus but has become a family reunion for us since everyone brings their fams. We only went for a little bit on Saturday for lunch. It was good to visit with Neil's cousins and Claire had a blast playing with hers! I have a few more pics on Neil's parent's camera that I will post later.

Kyle, Justin and Claire - silly cousins!

It's hard to get a good one of all three at the same time!

Claire and Justin